Week of 12-16-24
Important Dates and Reminders:
December 16-19 - Holiday Spirit Week - Click on the Spirit Week flyer for theme days
December 18 - McDonald's 2025 After Prom fundraiser
December 20 - Teacher Professional Development - NO SCHOOL
December 20-January 3, 2025 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 6, 2025 - School Resumes
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
January 28 - Portrait of an Explorer Day - Critical Thinker - wear your POE t-shirt!
February 5 - Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL (grades preK-8th)
February 13 - End of 2nd Grading Period
February 14-17 - Teacher Records Day and Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
Christmas Vacation at the Ballpark: The Diamond Club of Hudson Presents the 5th Annual Christmas Vacation at The Ballpark on Saturday, December 14th and 15th from 4:30-7: pm. Please see flyer for more information.
Message from the Clinic: The clinic is in need of boy pants and girl leggings sizes 5 thru 7. Please consider donating your gently used pants. Thank you.
Yearbook Information: Yearbook orders are now being accepted! Please see the Yearbook flyer for more information.
Tuition Fees: All kindergarten tuition fees have now been added to Payschools. The second trimester preschool fees have also been added to Payschools. Please see below for the schedule of payments. Feel free to contact the office with any questions.
Classroom Fees: Parents were able to begin paying class fees Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Parents can pay through PaySchools Central or by sending a check with their student to the building secretary. Please see below for the Preschool and Kindergarten Tuition Payment schedule.
Message from PTO: We are a Box Tops for Education School! Please see the BTFE flyer for information on how to load Box Tops. Our referral code is: FISM2ITC. Thank you!
Feeling Screener (Universal Screener): Mrs. Butto, school counselor, will be completing the Kindergarten Feeling Screener with students throughout the upcoming months. This 6 question screener assists Mrs. Butto in supporting the social-emotional needs of our kindergarten students.
For event information about district and community events, please view the latest Peachjar flyers here: https://my.peachjar.com/
Petermann BusZone App Information:
Download bus app here: BusZone
Follow the steps below:
1) After downloading the app, enter our school access code: 6400HCSD
2) In the search field, enter the bus number you need to follow and your child’s unique student ID
3) Lastly, create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points